Monday, February 23, 2009


I still don't have a camera, but here's what we've been up to. Isaac started crawling 2 days ago, hooray! Gracie just got a cold. Haley is obsessed with spinach (she checks to see how big her muscles are growing). Gracie made out with a boy at church in the hall last week (just as I came around the corner to get her, I noticed a little boy had his arms wrapped around her, and they kissed on the lips about 4 times before anyone could stop them. lol) I guess those are the highlights. Hopefully we get our camera soon so I can post new pics!


rosie said...

smart little boy-he sure knows how to pick 'em!! I saw Isaac on Ashley's blog, he is so cute and he is getting so big. Love ya all

Cansas said...

HA! All the boys want to kiss your girls. You're in for it!

Megan said...

That's the funniest thing i have ever heard! I love it!

tyson and ashley said...

That is too funny about Gracie!! Watch out!! SHe is going to be a mini me of you!! =) And thats so awesome Isaac started crawling!! I love all your kiddos!! So cute!

Kell & Anna said...

ha ha! That is hilarious!!

rosie said...

How was your Stake conference?!! Mark told me about your hit and miss Sunday. Oh well, you'll be blessed for having good intentions! I'm still chuckling!! Love ya